Spacehive Crowdfunding
Spacehive Crowdfunding breakdown:
A Cinema for Acton 115,572.00
The Acton Pop Up 63,421.00
A second screen for Acton 155,265.00
Total 334,258.00
Grant Funding
Acton BID 105,000.00
The GLA/Mayor of London 30,000.00
Ealing Ward Forums 25,000.00
Locality, Bright Ideas Fund 20,000.00
Acton Gardens Community Fund 9,314.00
Catalyst Housing 5,000.00
Sunfresh 5,000.00
Downtown Gala 2,640.00
Music & Songs from the Silver Screen 2,279.00
A1 Dominion 1,000.00
CCA 1,000.00
Agent and Home 1,500.00
Directors 22,000.00
The PUBLIC 104,525.00
Grant Contributions outside the crowdfunding:
Architectural Heritage fund 24,590.00
National Lottery – community fund 9,950.00
LB Ealing / COVID relief. 6,000.00
BFI grants 7,000.00
Tesco Bags for Life 1,000.00
CFA Bursary 1,000.00
Directors 10,000.00