Our Lounge provides a
welcoming space for all types of community events that support and showcase local talent.
Open Mic happens on the last Thursday of every month and is supported by funding from the Arts Council. Everyone is welcome and the evening includes, music, poetry and comedy. The grant from the Arts Council has allowed us to purchase essential equipment for this and other free music events including Jazz Night.
There is no world of greater warmth or grace
Cinema’s Open Mic in café fine
Where songs of London fill the vaulted space
And poets hug the crowd with lyric rhyme.
“D’you want the mic?’ they ask to each new act,
Police cars wail the High Streets refrain back,
Guitars and keyboards blur to fingers sure,
And we’ll remember ActOne ever more.
@poemparent. (Charlie Mawer)
School night note: Rispetto is a short poetic form of Italian origin, comprising of 11 syllables per line. It has 8 lines. Rispetto uses the agabccdd rhyme scheme. Heroic Rispetto uses iambic pentameter, a line of verse composed of 10 syllables arranged in five metrical feet.