Terms & Conditions of Hire
All hire requests must be made in writing to info@actonecinema.co.uk. Verbal bookings will only be classed as provisional until the booking form has been submitted and the hire agreement signed by the hirer and a director or employee of Acton Arts CIC and the booking fee has been paid.
Any variation to the booking must be agreed and confirmed in writing.
Provisional bookings will only be held for a period of two weeks. If the booking is not confirmed by the end of this period, then the date may be released without further notification.
Charges and Payments
The Hirer is the person (or persons) who signs the contract and will be responsible for payment of all fees and charges. 14 days’ notice must be given for cancellations otherwise the full cost of the hire will be charged.
Upon receipt of booking confirmation details will be passed to our Finance officer who will raise an invoice which is sent to the hirer.
The Hirer shall use the allocated premises at the agreed times for the stated purpose only and no other.
The venue will be opened and closed by Acton Arts CIC. Please ensure that your staff or guests are aware of the hire period and that they will not be able to enter before or leave after the agreed hire period.
Code of Conduct
The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition. Hirers will also be expected to vacate their guests and equipment within 30 minutes of the end of their hire period. Failure to comply with this may result in additional charges for staff overtime.
The Hirer is responsible for the conduct and behaviour of all people attending the event. Acton Arts CIC reserves the right to terminate the event, without any refund of costs, if the conduct and behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable. There may be additional charges for cleaning if the premises are not left in a reasonable condition.
Nothing should be done on the premises which may become a nuisance or annoyance or cause damage or inconvenience to the Cinema or any other persons occupying adjoining or neighbouring premises or sharing the use of such facilities belonging to the cinema, the café, or Acton Arts CIC.
There will be additional charges for any damage to the premises, fixtures and furnishings – to be decided by Acton Arts CIC.
The Hirer is not to exceed the maximum capacity for the venue hired. This will be dependent on the premises hired and will be advised prior to booking confirmation.
For children’s birthday parties the number of children must not exceed 30
The hirer must ensure that there are sufficient additional adults present - ActOne venue staff and volunteers are not included in this ratio.
Under 11 years old / one additional adult per every 5 children
Over 12 years old / one additional adult per every 10 children
All catering requirements must be arranged with the ActOne managers
Health and Safety
The Hirer will be the responsible person for all Health and Safety and First Aid matters relating to an event and must be present at the event to deal with any Health and Safety matters that may occur. This responsibility may be delegated to another person who must attend the event. The name of the responsible person must be advised on booking if this is different from the Hirer.
The Hirer shall familiarise his/her party with all fire procedures following an induction by member of Acton Arts staff at the beginning of the hire period. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that people attending an event are aware of the fire evacuation and lockdown procedures including the location of the fire exits.
The Hirer is responsible for holding a list of all staff and attendees and their contact information, and to share this with Acton Arts staff in case of emergency evacuation.
Under no circumstances will Acton Arts CIC, its directors or employees make good or accept responsibility or liability in respect of any loss, theft or damage to any goods or property of the Hirer or of any other person left, deposited or brought into the premises or any part thereof, or deposited with any member of Acton Arts staff.
The Hirer uses the facilities of the ActOne Cinema and premises entirely at his/her own risk, and Acton Arts, its directors or employees will not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable for any loss (except from death or personal injury resulting from negligence on the part of an employee of Acton Arts) or for any consequence of any such loss arising out the use by the Hirer of the premises or facilities.
The Hirer must maintain an insurance policy against any loss, liability, claim or proceeding incurred by or which may be brought against Acton Arts CIC or themselves in respect of any injury or damage whatsoever to any person or property, arising out of the use and occupation. For small events Clients are advised to check their personal property insurance as this level of insurance may already be covered under their policy. For larger events clients are advised to seek additional insurance to cover all aspects of their event.
The Hirer shall be held responsible for any damage to or loss of Acton Arts CIC property as a result of the letting and will be expected to make good any such damage or loss. The Hirer must affect full insurance cover against third party liability and against damage or destruction of any property of Acton Arts CIC and should not do anything which will or may invalidate or avoid any insurances held by Acton Arts CIC.